Thursday, 20 September 2012

front windscreens.

Here is the last of the front windscreens fitted, each one a difficult job - turned out well.

The starboard "clearview"screen fitted later today, the sidescreens next!

Soon we can start the interior of the wheelhouse!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

More windscreens!

Front view of the fitted Clearview rotating wndscreen and the portside opening windscreen.

Inside view of the two new window/screens fitted

Ready to fit the "clearview" rotating screen.

Goulven cleaning up the excess mastic

Inside view !

Sunday, 16 September 2012

New Crew !

Well - we have a new crew helping out now - all three from France, friends of the Roi familly! Goulven,Jean-Babptiste (JB !!) and Vincent - all very enthusiastic and ready to work

Goulven marking out the areas that need filling and fairing.

Vincent taking it all very seriously!!

"JB" Starting to sand down the epoxy filler nice and "fair"!!

Overall view - fairing off coming along nicely!

NOT that bit..THIS bit !! LOL !! Dave showing JB what;s needed!!

Vince taking a look at all his work.